Seed, Seedling, Sapling
Aşılı Domates Fidesi - Hishtil Türkiye

Aşılı Domates Fidesi

It provides resistance and tolerance against soil-borne verticillium, nematode, root rot, fusarium, fusarium root rot diseases.

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Why Should You Use Grafted Tomato Seedlings?

Although it varies according to the variety used as rootstock, it generally provides resistance and tolerance against the following soil-borne diseases:

V: Verticillium
N: Nematode (resistance decreases when soil temperature exceeds 280C.)
P(K): Root rot (Fungal)
F: Fusarium
Fr: Fusarium root rot

  • Especially in the winter season, it provides better results compared to the cultivation with ungrafted seedlings in adverse soil conditions.
  • Production with grafted seedlings provides a stronger plant growth, this allows a long cultivation and more yield is obtained.
  • There is a certain increase in fruit size.
  • Since less pesticides will be applied against soil-borne diseases, the negative effects on the life span and efficiency of bamboo bees used in pollination are reduced.
  • With less drug use, it allows a more economical production that is more sensitive to the environment and human health. It enables the reduction of residue problems that can be encountered in export, and the cultivation of ecological and organic products.

Points to Consider in Planting and Cultivation Stages

Depending on the production techniques applied in the cultivation to be made with grafted tomato seedlings;

  • When planting grafted seedlings, the existing drip pipes are either bypassed or moved closer to the other drip line. Planting should be done in planting beds arranged in this way.
  • Planting pits for seedlings should be opened in accordance with the conical root structure of Hishtil-Taurus seedlings. (not too wide or too deep).
  • Care should be taken that no air spaces remain under or around the root system of the seedlings during planting.
  • The grafting point of the grafted tomato seedlings should be above the soil level and should never come into contact with the soil.
  • Protective spraying should be done against the collapsed diseases (such as Phytium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia) that can be seen after planting, also called melting.
  • Hoeing can be done after planting. But the throat filling process should definitely be done.
  • Threading the grafted tomato seedlings should be done without delay. Otherwise, problems such as the contact of the grafting point of the seedlings with the soil or the separation of the fork point of the seedlings (if it is a double stem) occur.
  • When tying the grafted tomato seedlings, the ropes of both stems should be tied to the main stem under the fork point.
  • Spraying should be done against pests such as whitefly and thrips that can cause virus diseases.
  • In production with grafted tomato seedlings, the period until the first harvest is approximately 7-15 days. This should not be forgotten when planning production.
  • Due to the strong root structure and strong plant growth of grafted tomato seedlings, maintenance should be done according to the opinion of experts during the cultivation phase.

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