Plant Nutrition
Solupotasse - Toros Tarım


Solupotasse (0-0-50 + 18 S) is a fertilizer in the form of potassium sulfate, which dissolves completely in water.

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What is Solupotasse?

Solupotasse (0-0-50 + 18 S) is a fertilizer in the form of potassium sulfate, which dissolves completely in water. Its formula is K2SO4. It contains potassium equivalent to 50% K2O and 18% S (54% SO4).

Guaranteed Content W/W
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) 50%
Solupotasse - Guaranteed Content

Where to use?

Solupotasse is a fertilizer that can be easily used in drip irrigation, especially in winter months, because it contains a high amount of potassium and does not contain nitrogen. Since it does not contain any substances that can harm plants such as chlorine, sodium and heavy metals, it can be used safely in all crops by drip irrigation and foliar.

Due to the absence of nitrogen and phosphate in its content, it is the only source to provide the desired potassium to plants at every stage of production, independently of other elements. It can be mixed easily with any soluble fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus; however, it should not be used with fertilizers containing calcium (Ca).

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