
Healthy Greenhouse Tomato Cultivation Starts With A Healthy Greenhouse

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Saturday, October 9, 2021
Irrigation Systems
Greenhouse and Equipments
A beautiful tomato greenhouse
A healthy greenhouse is needed for healthy and productive plants. To increase efficiency in your greenhouse; You should pay attention to weeds, the equipment you use and humidity.

A healthy greenhouse requires keeping diseases and insects to a minimum. Besides keeping your greenhouse-grown tomatoes healthy and productive, anything you can do ahead of time to prevent diseases from gaining a foothold in this battle gives you an edge.

At the beginning of the preventive measures in the management of the fight against the disease, humidity control in the greenhouse; income. Plants stay healthy and cool by giving out water due to their natural structure. Evaporation on all moist surfaces also increases the humidity inside the greenhouse. High humidity not only makes diseases more likely, but also inhibits pollination and thus fruit set.

What is going on in the cultivation of healthy tomatoes in the greenhouse; "In greenhouse plant density, equipment used and humidity level" are three related;

Greenhouse 1

1. Pay Attention to Plant Population

To try to get more yield from the greenhouse, planting tomato seedlings at a higher density will be a situation against the producer. It is recommended to plant tomatoes at intervals of approximately 40-50 cm per plant.

Planting more plants than normal will reduce yields per plant and will yield approximately the same total yield as compared to planting a normal number of plants. In addition to the decrease in fruit quality, fruits of different sizes and shapes will form cracks and roughness on the fruit.

In addition to these, due to the close plant distances, the leaves of the tomato plant overlap with the leaves of the other tomato plant and remain wet, and as a result tomato diseases will be the beginning of the issue.

Greenhouse 2

2. Equipment Used

These equipment includes heaters, fans, vents, horizontal airflow fans and all components of the fertilization system. Horizontal air fans help to keep the surfaces of leaves, flowers and fruits dry; They are especially important in preventing diseases because they circulate the air. Remember, moisture is needed for diseases to grow.

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Fuel materials such as natural gas, propane, diesel, and coal release carbon monoxide and ethylene into the air. Tomatoes do not tolerate any of these gases. For this reason, the gases formed in the greenhouses heated with these fuel materials should be evacuated in a healthy way.

If these gases cannot be evacuated from the greenhouse, curled leaves in tomatoes, brown lesions on the leaves and worst of all; Spillages occur in the drinks.

The most efficient and healthy among heaters are electric heaters. However, this system is not preferred due to the high electricity costs in our country.

Greenhouse 3

3. Specialize in Humidity

Horizontal air fans are very important in maintaining the humidity balance inside the greenhouses. These fans greatly alleviate the humidity problem in greenhouses.

After the pouring rains, the plastic cover; Raindrops may fall on the plants in greenhouses. At the end of this situation, a high humidity problem will occur. If such a situation has occurred and there is no horizontal ventilation fan in the greenhouse, the size of the greenhouse will be; and according to the calculations to be made, a sufficient number of horizontal ventilation fans should be installed.

If the existing horizontal ventilation fans in the greenhouse are insufficient, it is recommended to install an additional fan.

There is always moisture in greenhouses due to irrigation and plant transpiration under normal conditions.

Horizontal air fans always greatly reduce the effect of this moisture, ensuring that the surfaces remain dry; It prevents the formation and spread of diseases.

Remember that; A healthy greenhouse is needed for healthy and productive plants.

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