
Is Your Greenhouse Ready for Winter?

2 Minute(s) Reading
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Greenhouse and Equipments
greenhouses in winter
We would like to share with you a few points to consider when preparing your commercial greenhouse business for fall and winter.

For areas that receive significant cold weather and snowfall during the fall and winter seasons, it is important to be prepared for the protection of your greenhouse and crops.

It can be difficult to do regular cleaning work inside the greenhouse during the growing season. In preparation for winter, especially the end of the season is the best time of the year for greenhouse interior cleaning.

Remove seasonal plants that are unlikely to thrive in the fall and winter to make room for new crops.

Sweep and sanitize the floors of your greenhouses to avoid spreading insects or diseases to new crops. This same cleaning should be done for the frame, benches and other indoor greenhouse equipment.

During the winter months when light levels are low, clean the greenhouse windows to allow as much sunlight into the greenhouse as possible.

Floor cleaning in the greenhouse
Floor cleaning in the greenhouse

In order for your greenhouse to run as efficiently as possible when it's cold, it's important to make sure that all aspects of your building are in perfect condition, both indoors and out.

Check your greenhouse's glass or plastic films to make sure there are no cracks or gaps. Having cracks or tears in your structure in winter will cause cold air to enter and this will increase your heating costs.

Regular maintenance should be done on your heating system throughout the year, but it's especially important to make sure that maintenance is done before the colder weather kicks in to keep everything running as efficiently as possible when it's most needed.

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Greenhouse curtains provide excellent shade in a greenhouse during the summer, as well as the cold weather outside in the winter; They are also very useful in keeping the heat in the greenhouse. Typically, your curtains will close completely at night when there is no available light. This will help keep the heat inside the greenhouse while keeping the cold winter air out.

Greenhouse curtains can be opened during the day when the sun is on. Some growers use double curtains to provide even more insulation. Although this application may sound costly, the cost is amortized in a short time with the energy savings provided in winter. When used properly, growers with curtain systems suitable for winter use can save between 20 and 75% energy, especially at night.

Preparing for winter as early as possible helps to minimize the possibility of encountering problems that may occur. Make sure your structures and heating are in good condition while you do your best to save on energy costs.

As the Hortiturkey family, we wish you a successful, productive and profitable season.

greenhouse curtains
greenhouse curtains
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