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Lider Gübre
Türkiye, Antalya

The company of the Plant Nutrition sector that walks with the motto of quality and service: Lider Gübre

1 Minute(s) Reading
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Company News
Hakan PAKALIN: As Lider Gubre, we have been providing service by always aiming for the better, with the awareness that perfection is hidden in the details, without compromising our quality since the day we were founded.

Can We Know Leader Fertilizer?

Lider Fertilizer, which was established in 2007 with the knowledge of Lider Group, produces chemical, organic, organomineral and microbial fertilizers.

As Lider Gübre, we bring the fertilizers we produce in line with the principles of openness, transparency, honesty, mutual respect, commitment to ethical values, environmental awareness and social responsibility to farmers at home and abroad.

Our aim and goal is to bring the right and innovative products together with all farmers engaged in herbal production in Turkey and in the world, without sacrificing quality.

In the light of these thoughts, continuous improvement and learning are included in our company culture as an indispensable value.

As Lider Gubre, we draw an increasing export chart every year. The share of our exports in our company revenues is 10% for now, and we plan to increase this to 30% in the short term.

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Currently, we are working with countries such as Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Balkan and Latin American countries and especially Spain, which sells millions of dollars of plant nutrition products to our country every year, are among our target markets.

As Lider Gubre, I would like to emphasize that with the agreement that we are in the final stage with a Singapore-based trader company, we will soon enter other markets besides India and the markets we have targeted above.

The agricultural sector is one of the sectors not affected by the pandemic process. Agriculture has always been very important wherever there is human life, and this importance will increase even more. The pandemic process reminded us of this once again.

During this period, our working performance as a company has increased even more. Parallel to this increase, our production and our company have grown positively.

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