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Engineer, Konya

The Importance of Pruning

17 Minute(s) Reading
Saturday, January 23, 2021
In order to obtain high quality and abundant products in fruit growing, it is necessary to prune every year in addition to measures such as soil cultivation, irrigation, fertilization and struggle.

The history of agricultural activities in the world dates back to ancient times, and it maintains its popularity because it is the basic need of human beings. Due to the increasing world population and the limited production areas, as the needs increase, scientists have sought ways to get more products per unit area.

Recent developments in the field of fruit growing are promising. However, in addition to accepting new production techniques, it is very important to accept and apply the cultural processes required by these techniques. Modern gardens, which have just started to be established in our country, are positive developments in terms of our fruit growing. Modern gardens provide great convenience in terms of the application of cultural processes, but these gardens require more care than classical gardens. At this point, pruning and training come at the beginning of the issues that need to be taken care of.

In both classical gardens and modern gardens, finishing processes applied in the first years and pruning during the life of the tree; It directly affects the yield, fruit quality and health of the tree. For this reason, it is very important to know the pruning process very well and to apply it effectively in terms of garden productivity.

  • To start fruit trees as soon as possible and to keep them in the yield period for a long time, that is, to establish the physiological balance in fruit trees in a short time and to maintain it for a while.
  • To ensure that fruit trees form a solid, regular and balanced crown by arranging the number and distribution of main branches on the trunk.
  • To facilitate the maintenance of fruit trees, the harvesting of fruits, the fight against damage and the implementation of technical works.
  • To cut dry, diseased, damaged by ecological and mechanical effects, broken branches and overlapping or weak angled branches.
  • In order to increase the carbon assimilation in fruit trees, to allow better penetration of light into the inner parts of the trees and to increase the leaf surface.
  • To prevent or reduce the periodicity seen in some fruit species and varieties, that is, to provide regular fruit yield every year by arranging some fruit trees to rest for a year with a high fruit yield for a year and less for a year.
  • Improving the quality of fruits.

  • By arranging the number and distribution of the main branches on the trunk, it is ensured that the fruit trees form a solid, regular and balanced crown.
  • It helps fruit trees to yield as soon as possible.
  • It is ensured that the tree makes good use of sunlight.
  • Fruit size, fruit quality and fruit skin coloration increase with pruning.
  • Tree size and branch density can be directly controlled.
  • The effectiveness of spraying can be increased.
  • Diseased and dry branches are taken to help fight.
  • Necessary gaps are created for tools and equipment to work.
  • Trees that have fallen out of yield are rejuvenated by pruning and they are transformed into productive trees again.
  • In some fruit species, the situation of producing less or no product for more than one year is reduced.
  • Harvesting is easier.

Pruning time affects the growth of the fruit tree, its response to cuttings, its yield and economic life. Pruning can be done in two different seasons, winter and summer (green). Pruning time affects the mass growth of the fruit tree, its response to cutting, its yield, and its physiological and economic life. Pruning is done in two separate and opposite seasons, winter and summer (green).

In places with warm winters, the period after the fruit trees enter winter rest is the most suitable time period in terms of pruning. However, it would not be right to prune before severe frosts in places with harsh winters. The most suitable period for pruning fruit trees is the period between the days following leaf fall and the beginning of the spring growth period.

All of the processes such as dilution of shoots, tipping, bending, bending, mutual connection of branches with each other and widening and narrowing of angles in fruit trees during the summer are called summer pruning. Rootstock in summer pruning is to provide better coloration of fruits, to regulate vegetative development, to reduce pruning in winter and to facilitate harvesting and cultural activities by improving them. Summer pruning is an important technical process that needs to be done especially during the forming years of fruit trees. In fruit trees, summer pruning can be done at the end of the spring development period and after the shoots start to become woody during the summer development period. Generally, branches that distort the shape on the trees, their growth is undesirable, but to the detriment of the auxiliary branches, can be removed by cutting or bent and twisted. Some branches can also be prevented from developing by widening their angles.

One of the most important issues to be considered before pruning trees is the cleanliness of the materials. If the tools we use while pruning are not disinfected, they can cause diseases to spread from tree to tree, from garden to garden. Disinfection of pruning tools can be achieved with very simple methods. Commercially available bleach in the market is the most practical solution used for this job. A very healthy disinfection can be achieved with the solution created by adding 5 parts of water to one part of the bleach. Scissors, saws, etc. we use in pruning with this mixture. It should be cleaned when moving from one garden to another or after pruning trees that we suspect are diseased. Thus, the transmission of diseases to other trees and regions will be prevented.

It should be accepted from the beginning that pruning is a branch of science and there are rules that must be followed absolutely. In this section, general pruning principles and justifications will be discussed. The transformation of the principles here into practice in general depends on the skill of the people who gain experience with pruning from year to year. Combining knowledge, experience and transfer to practice is the key to success. In this sense;

Pruning processes should be applied to the wood branches during the shaping phase, fruit branches should not be touched unless it is necessary. Thus, the fruit trees will be given a good shape and early fruiting will be ensured. On the contrary, it causes irregular formations and prolongation of the youth sterility period of the trees. The tree to be pruned should be examined collectively and each branch should be handled separately. The main branches forming the crown on the trunk should be at the same height and equal strength, and should be distributed at equal angles around the central axis.
Crown formation
Crown formation

In correct crown formation, five branches with the same growth forces and distributed at equal angles around the leader were selected, thus creating a very ideal fold. In the wrong crown formation, an ideal crown could not be formed as the side branches are too dense, they will shade each other and make cultural processes, especially spraying difficult.

The angles that the main branches make with the trunk should be 45-60 degrees. Since the resistance of narrow-angled branches is weak, they break quickly.
Response of branch angles
Response of branch angles

When we leave a branch upright, the vegetative development on that branch will be very strong and the fruit will lie late. Abundant and poor quality fruits are formed on the branches that develop parallel to the ground, and vegetative development remains weak. However, vegetative and generative activity is balanced in branches that develop at an angle of 45-60 degrees.

The steeper the growth, the less and late fruiting, the wider the growth, the earlier and more fruiting.

Attention should be paid to the formation of auxiliary branches. Auxiliary branches should be left as far away from the main branches as possible and in the same direction. In addition, there should be no competition between main branches and auxiliary branches in terms of vegetative development, and auxiliary branches should be chosen 15-25 cm below the growth point of the main branches in order to ensure their regular development in terms of shape. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the 45-degree angle between the main branches and auxiliary branches.

The severity of the hill cut
The severity of the hill cut



Cutting the branches short encourages vegetative growth, while not cutting them at all or leaving them long encourages generative activities.

It should not be thought that one has shortened a branch by cutting it. It should not be forgotten that there will be shoot growth below the cutting point in direct proportion to the cutting intensity during the growth period.

Branches with the same strength that grow side by side from the same point should not be allowed to develop, wide-angle branches should be left and narrow-angled ones should be removed.

In particular, a bifurcation to rival the leader should not be allowed. After the appropriate one is chosen as the leader, the other should be removed from the bottom. One of the main branches emerging from the same point on the leader must also be removed. Preferably, the wide-angled branch is left, the narrow-angled branch should be removed.

In fruit trees, there are differences between species and varieties in terms of development, the number of branches and twigs they form, and the places where they form flower buds. For this reason, species and cultivars should be examined separately.

There are points to consider when making a cut.

Dilution and cut over eye
Dilution and cut over eye

Generally, pruners make cutting mistakes even if they determine the cutting points correctly. When making a top cut, a slanting cut is made over an outward-facing eye. It is important to make such a cut without harming the eye. If a thinning cut is to be made, it is necessary to cut just above the swelling where the nutrients are stored, where the branch to be removed meets the trunk. Thus, the wound formed at the cut point is closed more quickly.

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Care should be taken not to leave any “nails” at the cutting point.

Because the cuts with claws do not close easily, they dry down from this point and the wounds that do not close facilitate the entry of diseases and pests into the tree.

‍ It should be noted that pruning is a method of light management . One of the most important points in pruning is to ensure that as much light as possible enters the interior of the tree, provided that it does not disturb the balance of the tree. One of the ways to achieve this is to use dwarf rootstock. Since the dwarf rootstocks create a smaller crown volume, the shaded area in the total crown volume is also less. For example, 3 meters. While the shaded area is 1.6% in a tree with a size of 6.5 m, it is 24.4% in a tree with a size of 6.5 m. Tree shape also affects the tree's utilization of sunlight.

Cone-shaped trees make the most of the sun.
The effect of tree shapes on lighting
The effect of tree shapes on lighting

In such a case, 1/3 of the branch circumference is 1 cm of an eye. It is cut in the form of a ring from the top of the bark to the wood part. This practice usually keeps the bud under the notch going. This application can be done 3-4 weeks before the beginning of flowering. Care should be taken to ensure that the cutting process is at a sufficient depth along the bark layer. In some fruit species and varieties, while the trees are trained in the first years, the desired branches are not formed to form the appropriate crown structure. When such situations are encountered, producers can apply this technique to remove branches from the desired point.

A shoot may need to be removed because it is too strong or aged or has been damaged by mechanical effects. If a shoot is desired to appear again from the same point, the "triangle cut" technique should be applied.

It has been mentioned in previous issues that the shape given to the tree in the first years is very important in the full yield period of the tree. However, no matter how careful the producers are, they may sometimes encounter problems arising from the development character of the variety. One of these problems arises when selecting and creating wide-angle branches. For example, Granny Smith apple cultivar is a very upright cultivar. Branching operations applied to trees in the first 4-5 years are very important. However, although some branches come out from the desired point on the tree, their angle cannot be expanded and they break when forced. In such a case, a Triangle cut can be made. As a result of triangular cutting, both the branch exit from the same point is provided and the emerging branch becomes wide-angled.

With pruning, unwanted and deforming branches on the tree are removed. In addition, fruit buds and branches on the tree affect the severity of pruning. A pruning producer needs to know which branch is a fruit branch and which branch is a wood branch, and when the development period begins in spring, a flower, shoot or leaf will emerge from an eye. For this reason, it is useful to briefly talk about eyes and branches.

The eyes are growth points that are protected from external factors by being surrounded by feathers and scales. They form branches, leaves and flowers in fruit trees. They can be divided into leaves, shoots and flower eyes. Leaf eyes can be flat, triangular or slightly raised, pointed, oval shapes. It occurs in the leaf axils of the shoot of the previous year in apples. Shoot eyes are formed on the long axis of the wood branches as well as at the growth points. Flower eyes are found on fruit branches. It can be large, round, fluffy or oval. It creates flowers and leaves in apples.

  • Knob

It is a branch of fruit whose knuckles are very close to each other. Their length is 1-2 mm. from 8 cm. up to can vary. Usually ends with wood eyes. In the first year they are formed, there are 2-5 small leaves in the form of rosettes on the knobs. It turns into fruit buds in 1-10 years, depending on the variety and feeding.

  • lamb

‍ It is formed by the transformation of the wood eye at the ends of the knobs into a fruit eye. It is found on 2-3 or older branches.

  • Pouch

These are the branches where the spare nutrients are stored. It occurs at the ends of the knobs. It can be found on mace, lambrequin and pikes. The fruits are large if the sacs are large, and small if they are small.

  • Pike

5-20 cm. long fruit branches. Those with fruit eyes are the crowned pike. Sometimes wood eyes can be found at the ends of the pikes, and sometimes thorns can be found on some pears. It takes 1-10 years for these to turn into fruit buds. The wood eyes on the pikes can also turn into buns and lambsquins over time.

  • Dalcik

It is a fruit branch between the pike and the wood branch, resulting in a fruit eye. It should not be touched unless necessary in pruning. In the first years of fruit trees, fruit buds at the ends of the branches should be taken to form the crown structure.

  • stave

‍ The bun is formed by lamburt, pouch and pike. It is more common in older trees. The presence of excessive amounts in the tree indicates the aging of the tree. Some of these should be removed during rejuvenation pruning.

apple tree branch
apple tree branch

  • Wood Eyes

The fruit is thinner and smaller than the eyes. They are abundantly hairy. When they open, shoots or leaves occur.

  • Fruit Eyes

They are large, elongated, round, plump eyes. They are often hairy. Usually there is one flower in each eye. No leaves are found. Fruit eyes can be found singly or a few of them together. Fruit eyes last earlier than wood eyes.

  • gluttonous branches

They are branches that emerge from the old parts of the tree, grow strongly, with long internodes, loose textured branches that do not make flower buds. It should be removed during pruning.

  • wood branches

They are the branches that make up the skeleton of the tree. The internodes are long, but not as long as in gluttonous branches. They have wooden eyes on them.

  • Good Fruit Branches

These branches have three eyes at different intervals along the branch. The thin and pointed one in the middle of these eyes is the wood eye. The other two eyes are flower eyes. When these eyes are awakened, both flowers and shoots are formed in each eye group. Since vegetative and generative activity is balanced in these branches, it is called good fruit branch.

  • Bad Fruit Branches

These branches have one flower bud each along the branch and at different intervals. Only the eye on the top is the wood eye. Due to poor nutritional conditions, these branches give little fruit, and the quality of the fruit is not good.

  • Mixed Fruit Branches

It is between good and bad fruit branches. In such branches, triple eyes are located in the form of individual wood and fruit eyes.

  • Bouquet Branches

Branches of this type are not very common in peach. It mostly occurs in unsuitable parts of the crown.

peach tree branch
peach tree branch

  • Wood Eyes

The fruit is thinner and smaller than the eyes. It occurs at the tip of the shoot or near the tip of the twig.

  • Fruit Eyes

It is larger and fuller than the wood eyes. It is found as lateral eyes in the branches. In bouquet branches, there is a shoot eye in the middle and fruit eyes are arranged around it.

In cherry, the branches are smooth and the internodes are long. There are flowers at the bottom of the branches and leaf eyes towards the tip. Bouquets are usually formed in the second year. The shoot tip ends with a wood eye.

Branches in sour cherries are generally thinner and spring-like and drooping than in cherries. There are flowers on them and there are shoot eyes at the ends. More bouquet branches occur compared to cherries and bouquets are usually formed in the second year. Bouquet branches also occur on older branches. Since many branches are formed, the crown of the tree looks bushy.

cherry tree branch
cherry tree branch

A large part of pruning, especially winter pruning, consists of cuttings. Many factors affect the healing of the wound created at the cut point, such as the strength of the tree, maintenance and feeding conditions, and the thickness of the cut branch.

Strongly growing trees close the wound more quickly than weakly growing trees. Wounds should be treated with paste or one of the other disinfectants. It may not be necessary to apply paste to wounds smaller than 5 cm that are well cut and close quickly.

The paste to be applied to the wounds is prepared as follows; 200 gr. lard is melted. Then 200 gr. beeswax, 200 gr. resin and 100 gr. pitch is involved. The prepared melt is taken off the fire. Alcohol is slowly mixed into it until it reaches 45oC. When the swelling starts, the alcohol mixing process is stopped. The prepared paste is filled into jars before it cools down. It is ready to use when needed.

The pruning residues formed as a result of pruning are the best shelter for diseases and pests. For example, mature larvae of the apple inner worm, printer insects, red spider adults, etc., which are an important pest for apple growing. winter pruning residues, lower parts of fallen leaves, etc. spend in environments. These residues should be burned or removed from the garden so that these diseases and pests do not multiply.


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